《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》是一本由Michael Peacock著作,Packt Publishing出版的Paperback图书,本书定价:USD 32.99,页数:153,文章吧小编精心整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。
《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》读后感(一):Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition
About This Book
Get your projects up and running quickly and effortlessly by simulating complicated environments that can be easily shared with colleaguesProvision virtual machines using Puppet, Ansible, and ChefA practical, hands-on guide that helps you learn how to create powerful and flexible virtual development environments
Who This Book Is For
If you are a developer who wants to have your development environment accurately reflect your live servers to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of web and software projects, this book is most certainly intended for you!
It's assumed that you know the basics of Linux systems in the context of web-based projects.
What You Will Learn
Integrate your own machine with the virtual machine of your development environment Install Vagrant on multiple platforms such as Windows, OS X, and Linux Familiarize yourself with Vagrant operations such as port forwarding, disk mapping, and networking Install and manage software packages using Puppet, Ansible, and Chef Set up and control multiple virtual machines simultaneously within the same project Build and manage your own base box for Vagrant Discover how to set up a simple LEMP server for a Vagrant project
In Detail
Vagrant is an open source software used to create and manage virtual development environments. It can be considered a wrapper around virtualization software such as VirtualBox and configuration management software such as Chef, Ansible, and Puppet.
This book looks at the potential that virtualization offers us, and breaks down the process of creating a distributable and powerful virtual development environment. You will learn how to create more advanced development environments consisting of multiple virtual machines, allowing you to mimic multi-server production environments.
Finally, you'll gain an insight into Vagrant Cloud, which is a suite of web services built into Vagrant that allows you to remotely view applications on a Vagrant instance.
《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》读后感(二):Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition
About This Book
Get your projects up and running quickly and effortlessly by simulating complicated environments that can be easily shared with colleaguesProvision virtual machines using Puppet, Ansible, and ChefA practical, hands-on guide that helps you learn how to create powerful and flexible virtual development environments
Who This Book Is For
If you are a developer who wants to have your development environment accurately reflect your live servers to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of web and software projects, this book is most certainly intended for you!
It's assumed that you know the basics of Linux systems in the context of web-based projects.
What You Will Learn
Integrate your own machine with the virtual machine of your development environment Install Vagrant on multiple platforms such as Windows, OS X, and Linux Familiarize yourself with Vagrant operations such as port forwarding, disk mapping, and networking Install and manage software packages using Puppet, Ansible, and Chef Set up and control multiple virtual machines simultaneously within the same project Build and manage your own base box for Vagrant Discover how to set up a simple LEMP server for a Vagrant project
In Detail
Vagrant is an open source software used to create and manage virtual development environments. It can be considered a wrapper around virtualization software such as VirtualBox and configuration management software such as Chef, Ansible, and Puppet.
This book looks at the potential that virtualization offers us, and breaks down the process of creating a distributable and powerful virtual development environment. You will learn how to create more advanced development environments consisting of multiple virtual machines, allowing you to mimic multi-server production environments.
Finally, you'll gain an insight into Vagrant Cloud, which is a suite of web services built into Vagrant that allows you to remotely view applications on a Vagrant instance.
《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》读后感(三):Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition
About This Book
Get your projects up and running quickly and effortlessly by simulating complicated environments that can be easily shared with colleaguesProvision virtual machines using Puppet, Ansible, and ChefA practical, hands-on guide that helps you learn how to create powerful and flexible virtual development environments
Who This Book Is For
If you are a developer who wants to have your development environment accurately reflect your live servers to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of web and software projects, this book is most certainly intended for you!
It's assumed that you know the basics of Linux systems in the context of web-based projects.
What You Will Learn
Integrate your own machine with the virtual machine of your development environment Install Vagrant on multiple platforms such as Windows, OS X, and Linux Familiarize yourself with Vagrant operations such as port forwarding, disk mapping, and networking Install and manage software packages using Puppet, Ansible, and Chef Set up and control multiple virtual machines simultaneously within the same project Build and manage your own base box for Vagrant Discover how to set up a simple LEMP server for a Vagrant project
In Detail
Vagrant is an open source software used to create and manage virtual development environments. It can be considered a wrapper around virtualization software such as VirtualBox and configuration management software such as Chef, Ansible, and Puppet.
This book looks at the potential that virtualization offers us, and breaks down the process of creating a distributable and powerful virtual development environment. You will learn how to create more advanced development environments consisting of multiple virtual machines, allowing you to mimic multi-server production environments.
Finally, you'll gain an insight into Vagrant Cloud, which is a suite of web services built into Vagrant that allows you to remotely view applications on a Vagrant instance.
《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》读后感(四):Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition
About This Book
Get your projects up and running quickly and effortlessly by simulating complicated environments that can be easily shared with colleaguesProvision virtual machines using Puppet, Ansible, and ChefA practical, hands-on guide that helps you learn how to create powerful and flexible virtual development environments
Who This Book Is For
If you are a developer who wants to have your development environment accurately reflect your live servers to tackle the ever-increasing complexity of web and software projects, this book is most certainly intended for you!
It's assumed that you know the basics of Linux systems in the context of web-based projects.
What You Will Learn
Integrate your own machine with the virtual machine of your development environment Install Vagrant on multiple platforms such as Windows, OS X, and Linux Familiarize yourself with Vagrant operations such as port forwarding, disk mapping, and networking Install and manage software packages using Puppet, Ansible, and Chef Set up and control multiple virtual machines simultaneously within the same project Build and manage your own base box for Vagrant Discover how to set up a simple LEMP server for a Vagrant project
In Detail
Vagrant is an open source software used to create and manage virtual development environments. It can be considered a wrapper around virtualization software such as VirtualBox and configuration management software such as Chef, Ansible, and Puppet.
This book looks at the potential that virtualization offers us, and breaks down the process of creating a distributable and powerful virtual development environment. You will learn how to create more advanced development environments consisting of multiple virtual machines, allowing you to mimic multi-server production environments.
Finally, you'll gain an insight into Vagrant Cloud, which is a suite of web services built into Vagrant that allows you to remotely view applications on a Vagrant instance.
《Creating Development Environments with Vagrant - Second Edition》读后感(五):自己完整读完的第一本英文书
2.当时第一次听说 vagrant,根据我的习惯,这种工具类的东西,我很害怕自己只知道一部分功能,然后在后续的使用中,自己需要投入无穷无尽的时间去填坑,而且还经常会被这里报错,那里报错去 google,往往这种问题如果出错信息不完整,连问都不知道怎么问,害怕花费后续的时间以及被这种不懂的感觉压着,硬着头皮找资料,而且硬着看下去了,作者是 vagrant 的创作者,写的很直白,感谢
3.当时是在学习一个东西,看到别人在 mac 上使用 vagrant,然后使用 vagrant 管理虚拟机,然后在虚拟机里面创建 docker 实例,然后在 docker 实例里面做自己的试验,我是新人,心里只有膜拜
4.其实读这本书之前,我是那种能用起来,但是不敢随便动的人,我能把 vagrant 用起来,但是随便不敢删,不敢修改,那种感觉经常摸索东西的人都懂,再也不要做那样的人